Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs: About the Yoga Classes

+ Are all the in-person classes registered classes?

Yes. Sessions range from 4 weeks to 8, depending on the class.

+ Do you accept drop-ins?

While most of our classes are full, a few classes have space for drop-ins. Please inquire with the teacher.

+ How long is each session?

Sessions are typically 7 or 8 weeks long. New sessions begin the first week of January, March, May, July, September, and November.

+ Do I need to have yoga experience?

No. We welcome beginners!

+ Do I need to have my own yoga props?

We can lend you a yoga mat for your first class. After that, we recommend buying your own for the sake of hygiene. Other than that, all yoga props are provided.

+ How many people are in the class?

Our yoga classes are capped at 9 participants.

FAQs: About Registration & Fees

+ When are registration fees due?

In order to hold your spot in the class, fees must be paid at the time of registration. Our classes fill up quicky, so we recommend registering early.

+ Do you accept late registrations?

Yes, if a class is not already full, you are welcome to register mid-session. Please contact the teacher regarding pro-rated fees.

+ What forms of payment do you accept?

We prefer e-transfer, but we also accept cash or cheque. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card payments.

+ If I miss a class, how can I make it up?

Please inquire with your teacher, who will offer you a link to an online class the same week.

+ Do you offer refunds on registration fees?

Registration fees are non-refundable. To provide individualized attention and to build community, we keep class sizes small. Since your fee reserves your spot in the class for the session, we do not offer refunds.

FAQs: COVID-19 Protocols

+ Are the teachers vaccinated?

Yes, we've all received several doses of COVID-19 vaccines.

+ How many people will be in each class?

We're capping our classes at 9 participants.

+ Do I have to wear a mask in class?

No, but if you would like to wear a mask, you are welcome to!

+ What if I have symptoms?

Please consider not coming to class. We'd be happy to offer you an online class instead.

+ Is there good ventilation in the studio?

Yes, there is direct-to-ourdoors air exchange, plus there is a high-quality air filter in the room.