Beat the heat with shavasana!

Looking for some reprieve from the heat?

A systematic relaxation in shavasana is the perfect way to cool down the body and calm the mind through relaxation, stillness and quiet.

As the heat builds through the summer months there seems to be a hidden momentum to move faster, do more, and get *all the things* done.

You might find your mind racing, tightness or tension creeping into the body, shoulders hiking up around the ears, jaw clenching and restless nights when sleep feels far away...

If you feel exhaustion or depletion creeping in — or irritation and impatience rearing their ugly heads — use this as your internal sign to press pause and lie down!

A simple guided relaxation practice in shavasana might be just the antidote to release heated emotions, quiet the churning mind and bring a feeling of calming coolness to the body.

All you need is a quiet space to stretch out.

Outside in the shade is perfect!

Or inside where you can support yourself with a few props (not necessary but definitely delicious!).

An eye pillow to place over the eyes can help relieve tired eyes and a bolster under the knees can provide some added support for the lower back and ease for the hips.

Below is a guided relaxation practice for you to enjoy.

With quiet and stillness you can gently and intentionally move out of the pulsing heat of sympathetic overdrive and into the coolness and ease of the relaxation response.

Let yourself slip into the spaciousness of relaxation — your body and mind will thank you.

Benefits of shavasana include:

  • reduce fatigue and exhaustion

  • reduce stress and anxiety

  • release tension in the body and mind

  • balance the nervous system, moving out of the stress response into the relaxation response

  • providing rest for the senses and the mind

  • promoting a calm and clear mind

  • shifting our focus from the external world to our internal world to enhance our self-awareness

  • learning to let go of what we cannot control

  • enhance our innate healing capacity

  • support our digestive, endocrine and immune systems

If you would like to add in a weekly practice where you give yourself time to rest in stillness and replenish weariness and exhaustion, join Chrissy on Wednesday nights for her Relax and Restore class.


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