Warm-Oil Foot Massage!

Chrissy’s Fall Favorite ❤️

The perfect evening self-care ritual to support a sound and soothing sleep!

Warm oil foot massage

Massaging the feet with warm oil before going to bed is a beloved practice of Ayurveda (yoga’s sister science). 

And it's a beautiful way to show yourself some extra love and care at the end of a long day.

Our feet are supporting us all day and usually crammed into some tiny, uncomfortable shoes. ugh!

It’s time to give them some love. 

In Sanskrit (the language that the original texts of Yoga and Ayurveda were written in), the word for oil is sneha

Sneha is also the word for LOVE ❤️

By oiling our feet we are giving ourselves the love and care and attention that not only our feet need, but also our body and mind need each day. 

We have pressure points on the bottom of our feet that correspond to different organs in the body. 

By massaging the feet we are caring for our whole body, promoting circulation to all the organs and tissues, releasing deeper held tension in both the body and mind, and soothing the nervous system with the relaxed and rhythmic movements. 

The yoga tradition also says that we have subtle energy channels (nadis) flowing through our whole body. By massaging our feet we are stimulating all 72,000 energy channels supporting a smooth and balanced flow of prana (life force) through the whole body. 

Oiling and massaging the feet is beneficial for calming and settling the mind. Stress and tension build within us, often without us even knowing.

Using warm oil is warming, grounding, and soothing. It helps to moisturize the skin and tissues from the outside in.

This is especially helpful during the fall and winter season when our feet never see the light of day and often end up dry, coarse, cracked, and callused.

A few other benefits:

  • Hydrates the skin, leaving it soft and supple

  • Soothes and calms the nervous system

  • Relieves stress and tension

  • Can ease anxiety 

  • Supports restful and replenishing sleep

A simple and easy self-care ritual to compliment your sleep routine.

Ready to learn how? 

It’s really simple 😊

You will need:

  • Massage oil in an easy to dispense squeeze bottle (untoasted sesame oil is perfect for fall and winter)

  • A cup to place the bottle in that you can fill with warm water

  • You can also add a few drops of an essential oil like lavender to promote deeper sleep

  • Warm, cozy socks to slip on your feet before slipping into bed (to protect your sheets from any residual oil)

To begin:

  • Warm up some hot water in the kettle

  • Pour it in the cup and place the squeeze bottle in the cup for a few minutes. Just long enough to warm the oil up. Make sure it is not too hot as to burn your skin!

  • Find a comfy seat on your bed 

  • Pour a small amount of oil in your palm (add a drop of essential oils if you choose). Rub your palms together and begin to massage the warm oil into one foot at a time

  • Take your time. Relax, breathe, enjoy the process.

  • Send yourself loving thoughts as you release the stress you have been carrying…

  • Notice how your feet feel. Where are there tender spots? What areas need some extra love and attention? 

  • This is your massage so you get to choose how much oil and how much pressure you use. 

  • Use circular movements and long strokes where ever you choose.

  • Don’t forget the tops of your feet and between each pair of toes!

  • Massage your feet until you feel the oil has saturated the skin. If you have extra oil, massage up your ankles and calves. They will love you!

  • Slip your socks on and climb under the covers. 

  • Close your eyes, inhale through the nose, exhale a relaxed sigh through the mouth. Allow it to be a full body sigh …. good night!

And if you are really adventurous, try massaging your whole body with warm oil! Known as abhyanga in Ayurveda, it is the most luxurious practice and will leave you feeling nourished and loved with soft, supple skin, and a nervous system that feels soothed and settled. 

Give it a try and let us know how it goes in the comments below!


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