Three Reasons I Created the Gentle/Restorative Yoga Class Series

Five years ago I was in an accident that left me with a mTBI (mild traumatic brain injury), post-concussion syndrome, and other injuries. My whole life was upended, and that included my yoga practice.

After my accident I wasn’t sure if yoga was for me anymore, despite having practiced since my teens.

It couldn’t find a class where I could move and breathe without stirring up my dizziness, balance issues, sensory sensitivity, pain, and more. I knew I needed rest and movement, but too much of either made me worse.

Eventually I stopped going to classes and stayed at home, unsure how to navigate the new terrain of my body.

I needed the support of several physical therapists, pain specialists, yoga teachers, and other health practitioners to get me moving again in a way where I could trust my body. But as I got back to movement, I still struggled to find a class where I could just move in the simplest, smallest ways—because that’s all I was able to do.

I care deeply about working with people who feel stuck or frustrated with movement. Living with persistent pain, chronic conditions, injuries, and chronic or traumatic stress can be really hard. And exploring movement can sometimes feel scary. When I look back to the first two years of my brain injury, questions I asked daily were things like:

  • How much movement is too much before I get flared up/feel worse?

  • How on earth do I move when so much in my body has changed?

  • Can movement ever be enjoyable again?

  • Does five minutes of movement even count as movement?

  • etc…

To boot, I was super aware of all the things “wrong” with my body. I was going to physical therapy weekly to essentially fix my brain and body. I didn’t have a place to just be, to breathe and to feel. I craved a space where my body wasn’t a problem to be fixed, and where I could move without an agenda.

My experiences, like so many yoga teachers, fuel how and what I teach. Here are three reasons why I created the Gentle/Restorative combo class series:

  1. A space to be with your body, without needing to fix or change anything. This class is focused on moving slowly and feeling what is happening in your body with compassionate non-judgement. If you’re cranky, sore, happy, tired, in pain, or anything in between, it’s all welcome.

  2. A place to explore movement and rest in a supportive environment. My intention is to create a soft space to explore how your body feels. That might mean you just lie on the floor and rest the whole class. It might mean you move a little bit. I’m here to offer suggestions and structure, in which you are welcome and encouraged to explore as you like.

  3. A community to be in. Being in a supportive group environment is good for our spirit and good for our health! This class is a relaxed environment, and I’m a bit of a quirky gal, so you can expect some laughs for sure.

To read more about the Gentle/Restorative class, or to sign up, click here to visit the class page.


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