The Power of Rest and Relaxation

Relax and Restore

Relaxation is our natural state of being.

And, yet it is so easy to forget this…. 

As we move through life though, we gather… we gather tension, tightness, stress, thoughts, emotions... and all of these things take us away from our natural state of being and our ability to experience deep relaxation.

We learn to identify with the stress, the holding, the discomfort, instead of the openness, spaciousness, ease and grace within us.

What I have experienced is that we can undo these habitual patterns through rest and relaxation.

In restorative yoga, everything is done on the floor completely supported. We use props to make sure that you are comfortable to facilitate relaxation and ease.

It is a completely restful practice.

We intentionally create the time and space to move out of “doing” and into “BEING”, giving time for the nervous system to settle into the relaxation response, or the parasympathetic nervous system.

Over time, we might notice a softer tone and texture to our tissues as tension begins to dissolve, a slower heart rate as we rest in stillness, a more spacious, relaxed and rhythmic breath as the body gently opens and a quieter mind that feels more at ease.

I’d like to support a “revolution of relaxation” where we all take more time for deep, conscious relaxation and rest to rejuvenate, replenish and build resiliency.

The Relax and Restore class on Wednesday nights is this time for deep, conscious relaxation and rest…. to rejuvenate, replenish and build resiliency.

A intentional pause, right in the middle of the week, designed for you.

Return to your natural state of being through restorative yoga and deep relaxation.

To read more about the Relax and Restore class or to register, click HERE.


Yoga in the Garden


Three Reasons I Created the Gentle/Restorative Yoga Class Series