The Power of Gratitude

One of the best practices for grounding into the present moment, cultivating more joy and providing nourishment on a soul level is GRATITUDE ❤️

The beauty of gratitude is that you can practice it anywhere and at any time!

Simply pause throughout the day and allow your senses to drink in the beauty around you. This is much easier to do when our pace is slower, however, it is also the perfect invitation TO slow down and appreciate what is happening in the moment. 

When you pause, you can choose one thing that feels most immediate or draws your attention, whether it is something you see, smell, hear, taste or touch and mentally say to yourself 

"I am grateful for_______________, because it makes me feel  ____________" 

Take 5-10 breaths to really give time to savour the experience and the feelings within. This is how we start to rewire the brain and cultivate an “attitude of gratitude”

By naming it and saying why, it helps to bring the experience inside of you, allowing it to last longer, and to sink to a deeper level where it starts to change your inner chemistry.

By expressing gratitude inwardly, or outwardly, we actually release the feel good hormones of serotonin and dopamine.

And when we share it with others, we spread the feelings of love, connection and contentment ❤️

A regular gratitude practice can:

  • Boost self esteem, feelings of connection, confidence, contentment and improve overall well-being.

  • Enhance positive emotions which contributes to our outlook on life and enhance long term happiness.

  • Provide perspective when managing feelings of uncertainty, overwhelm, anxiety and depression.

  • Help us connect with the fullness, wonder and beauty of life. 

  • Cultivate more joy

Another way to welcome gratitude into your day is by starting or ending the day with a gratitude journal where you list 3-5 things that you are grateful for.

  •  Beginning your day with gratitude helps set the tone for the day by releasing the positive, feel good hormones first thing in the morning. 

  • Ending your day with gratitude is a powerful way to review the day, and release positive hormones that will help with a restful and rejuvenating sleep

Do you have a regular gratitude practice?

Comment below! We’d love to hear from you and how you are cultivating gratitude.


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