We’re celebrating our first year at Calgary Yoga Collective (CYC)!

We're celebrating our first year at CYC!

Dear friends, old and new,

The Calgary Yoga Collective is one year old! (Can you believe it?) 🎉

A year ago, we decided it was time to have a physical space to teach from again. We'd all been teaching online throughout the pandemic (Pam, Crystal, and Larissa with Yoga for the Rest of Us, and Chrissy with Sacred Life Yoga). Together, we decided to find a physical space that felt welcoming, calm, and cozy.

We pooled our brain power and our yoga props. (Lucky for us, all of our props colour-coordinated beautifully!).

We did a photo shoot (thank you to those who modelled for us!) and got our website set up. We merged our "Yoga for the Rest of Us" online subscription with the newly-minted Calgary Yoga Collective 💛.

We're thrilled to continue offering our online classes to make a regular yoga practice more accessible to students both inside and outside of Calgary; we even have students tuning in from outside the province!

And we found our new home for in-person classes at the Varsity Clinic. We're very happy to have a sunny, wheelchair-accessible studio space on the ground level.

And here we are. We've been back teaching in-person for one year now. And we're proud of what we have: Four teachers. Five weekly in-person classes (with more to come!). Four weekly online classes. Weekly pop-up classes (in-person and online). A growing circle of students, each one contributing to the community in their own unique way 🌟.

What started as a temporary solution to COVID closures has evolved into something permanent. (Yup, we're here to stay!).

Thank you for your support, your feedback, and your passion for yoga. Thank you for being here with us, as part of this growing community. We couldn't have done it without you 🙏 .

With gratitude,


The Calgary Yoga Collective Team

Calgary Yoga Collective Teachers Crystal Johanson, Pam Chamberlain,  Larisa D'Silva, Chrissy Lakusta

The Power of Gratitude


Happy Pride 2022! Social Media to Follow